ya ya ya ya!!! ytd de 新加坡金曲奖2008 i was so sad tat Jams Hsiao nv got de 人气奖!!! haiz.. but nvm.. he got de 新人奖!!! still got de video to show!! haha.. happi.. hmmm ytd my mum & i went to jp & brought pizza for our dinner.. i was buying a lot of tibit home.. when i reach hm, i found tat my 脚链 had lost.. omg!!! so sad.. tan todae, went to watch movie, Max Payne... after tat went to buy de ring for de last finger.. which they say can make more $$ haha.. donno it real a nt.. hmm.. still haven gt my Jams album.. sad sad.. & tml mus go sch le.. haiz.. but i'm happi bcoz got our 4 day sch back.. haha.. onli need to go sch for 4 day in every week... haha.. happi happi happi!!!
Lonely Gal [ 2:21 AM ]
Todae skip Pe lesson.. onli went for Maths lesson.. ya tat right, IT course oso got maths lesson.. haha.. it really drive mi crazy!! but i can understand a bit.. haha.. will try all my veri best to do it well..
Lonely Gal [ 2:58 AM ]
Back to cleaning my blog again.. Ya!!! HURRAY!!! my timetable had changed.. thursday lesson was cancel & was moved to wednesday.. so wednesday i had 4 hours of thoery lesson of Networking.. sure my head will burst.. lol... but it good to mii, as my 4 days school come back to mi again.. haha.. althought it nt off on fri.. haiz, which i wish to.. but it okie.. hehe.. And now, i started to get some influence frm amy & hwei shin of watching lot of anime.. haha.. Everyday i was watching anime anime anime!!! watch until my mum scold mii sia.. lol.. why like tat... boy boy can watch, can play but when i once open de computer she will start scolding mii.. hate it.. really hate it.. Anyway mii now watching Special A.. quite funny.. haha.. Also waiting for de Hitman Reborn-ep105 & Vampire Knight-season 2 ep 3 to upload de ep.. hehe!!! anyway todae is my cousin, amy, birthday.. haha.. happi 18th birthday..
Also, tml is my Zhu kor kor(Amy's kor kor) & Mum birthday.. haha.. happii birthday!!
tat all for todae post.. see u all again!! sayo nara :P
Lonely Gal [ 11:44 PM ]
Yo!!! I'm bac again.. This week school reopen le...
Lonely Gal [ 3:33 AM ]
opps!!! my face had been block..
finish our lunch..
mei zhi, xin hui, mi, xin yi & xiao jia.. su chen was taking de picture for us..
mii, xin yi & xiao jia..
4 of us are pointing xiao jia..
BANG!! xiao jia lose de game of 007!!
altogether we BANG xin yi..
opps!! my eyes are close..
after finish our sushi & de dessert..
silly faces.. haha..
hmm?? wat are we doin?????
ice water
at de tanjong pagar mrt station
taking photo in front of de mirror..
omg.. wat su chen is doin?? & wat am i doin??
haha.. weird face of mine
mei zhi cant stand anymore for our silly faces..
xiao jia punishment of losing de game of 007!! weird pose!!
su chen snatch xiao jia bag.. mei zhi at de side laughin non-stop..
xin hui goin hm, so we take photo 1 by 1 wif her..
mei zhi & xiao jia!!
mii & mei zhi!!
mei zhi & su chen!!
xin yi & mei zhi!!
group photo at de mrt station waiting mrt to come..
xin hui help de 5 of us to take photo..
xin hui & su chen..
6 of us knee down & take photo.. before de train come!!
that all for yesterday pictures.. hope u really enjoy!!..
Lonely Gal [ 7:30 PM ]