opps!!! my face had been block..
finish our lunch..
mei zhi, xin hui, mi, xin yi & xiao jia.. su chen was taking de picture for us..
mii, xin yi & xiao jia..
4 of us are pointing xiao jia..
BANG!! xiao jia lose de game of 007!!
altogether we BANG xin yi..
opps!! my eyes are close..
after finish our sushi & de dessert..
silly faces.. haha..
hmm?? wat are we doin?????
ice water
at de tanjong pagar mrt station
taking photo in front of de mirror..
omg.. wat su chen is doin?? & wat am i doin??
haha.. weird face of mine
mei zhi cant stand anymore for our silly faces..
xiao jia punishment of losing de game of 007!! weird pose!!
su chen snatch xiao jia bag.. mei zhi at de side laughin non-stop..
xin hui goin hm, so we take photo 1 by 1 wif her..
mei zhi & xiao jia!!
mii & mei zhi!!
mei zhi & su chen!!
xin yi & mei zhi!!
group photo at de mrt station waiting mrt to come..
xin hui help de 5 of us to take photo..
xin hui & su chen..
6 of us knee down & take photo.. before de train come!!
that all for yesterday pictures.. hope u really enjoy!!..
Lonely Gal [ 7:30 PM ]